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Para ver la versión en español de esta aplicación, presione el botón en la parte superior de su pantalla que dice “Select Language” y seleccione “Spanish”

The Google translation feature is provided to assist you in reading this application in Spanish and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. Please review the Google Privacy Policy to understand Google's policy.
For assistance in other languages, contact an Ida Recovery Partner (listed at the bottom of the page).

Required fields are marked with an *.
Primary Registrant Name and Current Contact Information

PrefixFirstMiddleLast NameSuffix
 To enter a P.O. Box as an address, type "PO BOX" for the Address # and the number for the Street Name.

AddressDirectionUnit/Apt. #
Primary Phone*
Alternate Phone 1
Alternate Phone 2

Login Information
Username and password cannot be the same.
Username must consist of all letters and numbers and must be between 6 to 10 characters long.
Password must contain at least 8 characters, include upper case and lowercase letters, numbers, and at least one of these symbols ! @ # $ ^ & * ( )
Password*Confirm Password*
Challenge Question #1*
Challenge Question #2*
Last 4 digits of primary applicant's SSN
(used for forgotten password verification only)
By checking this box I am certifying that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all information submitted in connection with this application shall be accurate and complete. I understand that the submission of inaccurate or fraudulent information may be grounds for denial or recapture of a grant and/or loan, and may be punishable by criminal, civil or administrative penalties. I understand that any information I give may be investigated and verified.

Once you press Register below, you will be returned to the application navigation page. Select the Applicant Information Page and begin inputting required fields.

For questions, assistance, or translation needs please contact an Ida Recovery Partner:
Nassau and Suffolk Counties
Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc.: (631) 435-4710 or

Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, and Westchester Counties
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 or
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