This system serves as your online resource to apply and manage your Application for assistance from programs managed by the Office of Resilient Homes and Communities.
Information about programs other than Hurricane Ida Recovery can be found at the bottom of this page.
Hurricane Ida Homeowner Repair and Reimbursement Program
PLEASE NOTE: As of March 16, 2025, new applications for the Homeowner Repair and
Reimbursement Program are CLOSED. Existing applications can still be submitted.
This application system supports Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple's Safari. Google Chrome is the preferred browser. If you are completing this application in Spanish, we suggest you utilize Google Chrome. The system is not intended for a mobile device and works best on a desktop browser. Select a link below to download the latest browser version:
> Google Chrome
> Microsoft Edge
> Mozilla FireFox
> Apple's Safari
?????? ??? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??
??????? "????" ?"???????• ?? Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710
????????? "??????" ?"??????" ?"???????" ?"????????? • ?? Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568
????????????,????????????????????? :
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.:(631) 435-4710 ?
??????????????????? :
Rural Development Advisory Corporation:(845) 713-4568 ?
???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ????? Ida Recovery ?? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??????
???????? ?????? ? ??????? • ?? (Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.): (631) 435-4710 ? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????
:???????? ????? ?????? ??????? ? ???????• ?? (Rural Development Advisory Corporation): (845) 713-4568 ?? ?? ?????? ????? ???????
Pour obtenir de l'aide dans votre langue, veuillez écrire ou appeler le partenaire de rétablissement post-Ida (Ida Recovery Partner) dans votre comté?:
• Comtés de Nassau et Suffolk
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.?: (631) 435-4710 ou
• Comtés de Dutchess, Orange, Rockland et Westchester?:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation?: (845) 713-4568 ou
Pou ou jwenn asistans nan lang pa w la, tanpri ekri oswa rele Ida Recovery Partner nan konte kote ou abite a:
• Konte Nassau ak Suffolk
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710 oswa
• Konte Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, ak Westchester:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 or
Per assistenza nella sua lingua, scriva o chiami il partner per il ripristino dovuto a Ida (Ida Recovery Partner) della sua contea:
• Contee di Nassau e Suffolk
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710 oppure
• Contee di Dutchess, Orange, Rockland e Westchester:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 oppure
Aby uzyskac pomoc w swoim jezyku, prosimy napisac lub zadzwonic do partnera ds. likwidacji skutków huraganu Ida w swoim hrabstwie:
• Hrabstwo Nassau i Suffolk
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710 lub
• Hrabstwo Dutchess, Orange, Rockland oraz Westchester:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 lub
Para obter assistência em seu idioma, escreva ou ligue para o Ida Recovery Partner (Parceiro de Recuperação Ida) em seu condado:
• Condados de Nassau e Suffolk
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710 ou
• Condados de Dutchess, Orange, Rockland e Westchester:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 ou
????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????, ???????? ??? ????????? ? ????????-??????? ?? ?????????????? ????? ??????? «???» ? ????? ??????:
• ?????? ?????? ? ???????
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: ???. (631) 435-4710 ??? ??. ?????
• ?????? ???????, ??????, ??????? ? ??????????
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: ???. (845) 713-4568 ??? ??. ?????
Para sa tulong sa inyong wika, mangyaring sumulat o tumawag sa Ida Recovery Partner sa inyong county:
• Nassau at Suffolk County
Long Island Housing Partnership Inc.: (631) 435-4710 o
• Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, at Westchester County:
Rural Development Advisory Corporation: (845) 713-4568 o
??? ???? ??? ????? ???????, ???? ?????? ????? ????????? ??? Ida ????????? ????? ??? ????? ????????
: ????????? Suffolk ???? Nassau • ????? Long Island Housing Partnership Inc 631) 435-4710: (
:????????? Westchester ????, Dutchess, Orange, Rockland • ????? Rural Development Advisory Corporation 845) 713-4568: (
Information about other RHC programs:
Mount Vernon Healthy Homes:
To start an application, CLICK HERE
Contact Mount Vernon Support at (914) 504-2300 or email? you have questions about your application.
NY Rising Housing Recovery Program:
Application periods for recovery and resiliency programs for Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, and Tropical Storm Lee have been closed.
Contact 1-844-9NYRISING Call Center Representative if you have questions about your application.